Cashmere is one of the most precious and noble existing fibers .
Cashmere is a hair obtained from the processing of the mantle of Capra hircus , native to the highlands of Ladakh and Tibet, in the Himalayas , at an altitude of about 4000 meters. Today, this specific breed, it is raised in numerous countries including Tibet, China, Mongolia, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.
The aforementioned goat produces a fiber particularly fine, soft and warm which allows it to survive even at temperatures of -40 ? C.
Is reared extensively , as it is able to exploit poor pastures with shrubs and weeds, easily adapting to different environments breeding .
In spring there is the tosa and his hair is washed and egiarrati .
More ‘s dehairing is well made and the final product is more pure , hairless blacks and jars .
After the dehairing we can calculate that a goat produces only about 100g. of cashmere fiber used and another 10% or so, then is lost in spinning .
So, it is clear , that to produce a mesh of medium thickness , it is necessary the annual production of at least 3 or more of cashmere goats.
In comparison with the wool, although valuable, cashmere is much more bright, shiny, soft and isothermal .
Analyzing a microscope the hair of the cashmere, you notice that it has the appearance of a tube.
The wool , however, presents the sections serrated, with washing, tend to get caught between them felting.
The coat of cashmere , such as human hair , being tubico smooth and does not felt … did you ever hear of a person to whom you are making a felted hair shampoo ? The standard for the classification of beauty and therefore the price of raw cashmere is similar, in some respects, to that of diamonds.
Are classified in fact, the color, clarity, finesse and length.
More cashmere will be clear, without jars, hair blacks, thin and long, the more its price will be high.